Walking the Crimson Road Read online

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  Bid Day starts out at the crack of dawn at the stadium. Lexi, Bella and I had to get up an hour before everyone else to place the cards in our section. I feel like I’m sleep-walking as I put bid cards on the seats. Once we’re done, we sit down in the front and watch the pledges file in. The roar of the thousands gathered comes to stark silence as they wait with bated breath for the signal. As the countdown begins, the sounds of ripping envelopes turns to cheers for the houses that selected them. Squealing, crying, yelling, and thousands of feet running behind giant Greek letters back to their sorority houses kicks off retreat weekend. I’m excited about this trip. We’re going to Stone Mountain in Georgia. It makes for a long weekend, since we won’t be back until Monday night, and first day of classes begins on Tuesday. I love a short week, too.

  With three days of sisterhood bonding underway, we load the buses with overnight bags in tow. After everyone is seated, the luggage compartments look like a Vera Bradley store exploded. Lexi, Bella and I sit next to each other and settle in for a full-on gossip session.

  “I was in charge of arts and crafts, and Bella was in charge of the zip lining station. Carolina Landing Young Life Camp is the best and a really fun place to work. Bex, we would totally love for you to sign up to work with us next summer.” Lexi sounds enthusiastic and hopeful.

  Bella adds, “Don’t forget we were going to tell her about the hot guy we met.”

  Lexi nods. “Oh right, his name is Grant, and he’s on the swim team here at Alabama. He was our go-to lifeguard, and he ran the boating station. He’s actually from South Carolina and will be starting his junior year. He told us he worked with Wyldlife the summer before, and the summers before that he worked as a lifeguard.”

  Bella chirps, “He’s a Chi Phi, and I can’t believe we’ve never met him on campus before.”

  I say, “Yeah, I know. I’m sure we’ve passed him sometimes. Maybe we were even at some of the same parties. But I mostly talked to other freshman guys last year.”

  “I remember seeing him last year at one of the Young Life events,” Lexi says. “But I agree with you, I was always more comfortable talking with other freshmen.”

  I give Lexi a coy smile because I’m about to ask her a personal question.

  “Do you still have a thing for that band guy, what was his name, Patrick?” I ask. Lexi gives a shy grin.

  I know Bella was crushing on a guy from the band last spring, too. I turn my attention to Bella, who blushes and nods her head.

  “Spill the tea girls, we’ve got almost an hour before we arrive.”



  Strong women know they have enough strength

  for the journey, but praying women know it’s in the journey, where

  they’ll gain strength.------- Luke Easter

  The quote shared during last night’s house Bible study is on repeat in my head this morning. The glorious first day of class has arrived, and I’m feeling ready for the world. I even got some sun the past few days during our sisterhood retreat from kayaking on the lake and hanging by the pool, so I’m looking tan again. I down my last bite of bagel and snap the lid closed on my mug.

  “Bye girls.” I stand, pushing my chair under the table. Bella leans toward me, giving me an air kiss while still chewing her bacon. “Go get it girl,” Lexi says, giving me a thumbs up. With a wave, I’m out the door and into the warm sun this beautiful late August morning. I pop my earbuds in and listen to some Sam Hunt as I step onto the sidewalk and make my way over to Reese Phifer Hall.

  Scurrying up the steps, I bounce into the grand foyer, then pause and stare up at the huge chandelier in all its glory. I think about snapping a photo for my Instagram but quickly change my mind, not wanting to look like a total dork.

  I’m extremely nervous about taking a class from a Pulitzer-Prize winning author. Feeling both thrilled and scared as I walk into Rob Brigg’s writing class I know it’ll be a great experience and a check off my college bucket list.

  The enormous lecture hall is already crowded. It only took me five minutes to walk here from Phi Mu house, but these people must be serious about getting to class on time. I see an open seat, but unfortunately it requires scooting past some guy to get to it. As I step over his feet, I trip slightly but catch myself before stumbling further.

  I give him a meek, I’m sorry smile. Embarrassed, I sit down. The guy looks familiar, but I’ve never met him. Trying to peek at him without being noticed is hard. When I look back, his eyes catch mine, and his smile is brilliant. He introduces himself as Lane.

  “Hey, Lane. I’m Rebecca, but my friends just call me Bex.”

  “Cool. Nice to meet you, Bex. Are you a journalism major?”

  Before I can answer, Professor Brigg walks to the podium, clears his throat, and gathers everyone’s attention. As the lecture starts, I can’t get my mind off this guy sitting next to me. He smells amazing; his fragrance is intoxicating and sexy and makes me feel like I’m breathing in nitrous at the dentist office. How a man’s cologne can make me feel lightheaded, I have no idea. I need to focus on taking notes but, holy cow, not only is he gorgeous, he smells unbelievable and appears to have just stepped out of a Ralph Lauren ad. He has the intense good looks that makes me think lustfully of what in the world I might do if left alone with this much hotness.

  After forty-five minutes of listening and note taking, I’ve just finished my first lecture in creative writing.

  As I’m gathering my things, Lane says, “You never finished answering my question.”

  I look at him, taking in his handsomeness and realizing I forgot the question. “Oh, yeah, sorry about that. I forgot what you asked me.” A nervous blush warms my face.

  “If you were a journalism major?”

  As we walk up the lecture hall steps toward the door, I notice he’s not wearing socks with his very expensive-looking leather loafers.

  “I’m actually a creative media major, but I’m working toward a minor in journalism. How about you?”

  His smile is beautiful, and his hazel eyes are electric. Facing him directly, I realize why I thought he seemed familiar. My mom coaxed my sister and me into watching some of her favorite movies from the eighties. My parents are always talking about how the best music, movies and fashion came out of the eighties. He looks a lot like the rich, flashy blonde guy from one of those John Hughes films, but I can’t remember the actor’s name.

  “I’m actually an English major and planning to double major with art history. I really wanted to take one of Rob Brigg’s writing classes. I read a lot. Usually a lot of history. I’ve read several of his books, since they’re about his past, his family members, and the South.”

  “Same. I’ve read three of his books. But I mostly read chick lit.”

  “Chick what? he asks, with a short laugh that doesn't feel intimidating. “Listen, Bex, I’ve gotta truck it across campus now, but it was nice to meet you.”

  Just like that he’s gone, and suddenly my head is clear.

  “Bex! Hey, Bex!”

  I turn and see Bella waving at me frantically. I wave back and walk toward her.

  “Hey, Bella, what’s up?”

  “Nothing. I’m heading over to Bidgood for my marketing class. You wanna walk with me?”

  “Sure. I’m going in that direction anyway.”

  Bella and I are both from the South and are used to the late August heat. It’s easy to spot kids who aren’t southerners by what they wear those first few weeks of school. We point out a few as we’re walking and laugh about their probably being from Michigan or Washington State or somewhere. I love our game of where’s that look from. We made it up last year when we spent so much time together during recruitment week.

  Bella’s from Louisiana, near New Orleans, a city called Covington. I remember she said it was the same town where that hot actor from The Vampire Diaries is from.

  I look over at Bella. “I’m going to Palmer, for math, but
I’ve got almost twenty minutes before it starts.”

  “I have two more classes near Bidgood after my marketing class ends. Maybe I’ll see you before I go to band practice,” she says as she turns to dart up the stairs into Bidgood Hall.

  “Don’t forget we’re going dress shopping after class tomorrow with Lexi, and Cat,” she shouts back at me before disappearing into the building.

  “Okay, bye!” I yell back and continue on my way to the other side of campus. Even though the late August sun is beating down, it’s a beautiful day that shows off the ancient oak trees, thick green grass of the quad, and ivy growing up the sides of the stately brick architecture. As I make my way near Ferguson Plaza, I can see people walking in and out of the center fountains that spray up from the pavement. It would be nice to walk through them, but I don’t want to be late, so I make a right turn and head for the math building.

  Math is as dull as can be, and no one smells remotely amazing. Afterward I go back to Phi Mu to gather my things for dance team practice and maybe squeeze in a nap. The room is empty and quiet when I walk in, perfect for a catnap. As I start to snuggle down, my phone dings a text. I look to see who it is— just Mom checking on my first day. I quickly text back, Great, but gotta go to practice. I set a thirty-minute alarm for my nap and drift off to sleep. When my alarm buzzes me awake, I shake off the grogginess. I grab an energy drink from the fridge, throw my bag over my shoulder, and open the door as Bella barrels in.

  “Hey, Bex, how was your first day?”

  “Cool. I think pretty close to perfect. How about you?”

  “Same. Can’t complain. Anything new?” she asks, opening the closet to get out her trumpet for band practice.

  “Yeah, I have to tell you about this guy I met in my creative writing class, but I’m going to be late for dance if I don’t hurry.”

  “Sure. See ya, Bex. Have a great one. We’ll catch up on all the details tonight.”

  “Definitely.” I scoot out the door. Thinking about new guy from my journalism class, makes me smile and creates a lightness to my step. I bounce onto the sidewalk and decide to vlog about my day as I make my way over to dance team practice. I’ll title this vlog “What to do when you trip over a hot guy in class.”



  My phone starts ringing as my first morning class ends. I slide it open and shove it to my ear.

  “Ready to go shopping? Can you meet us for lunch at Ramma Jamma’s at one?” Bella asks breathlessly, like she’s in a hurry.

  “Yep, but I’ll be a few minutes late. My last class ends at one, so order me a grilled cheese and a diet coke. I’ll pay you back when I get there.”

  It’s twenty after by the time I hurry into Ramma Jamma’s. Everyone’s chatting, eating and laughing. Cat tells me to sit next to her. She introduces me to her friend Ryan. I think she says he plays baseball. Cat plays softball for Alabama and knows lots of guys on campus. She’s a Tri Delta who met Bella through Lexi, and they met me through Bella. We generally hang out together, including some of Cat’s friends every now and then.

  Lexi plays the flute in the Million Dollar Band, and Bella plays the trumpet. They’re good friends with several band guys and even the dude who plays the part of Big Al, our school’s elephant mascot. I kinda know Alex too, a.k.a. Big Al, because the mascot is at the basketball games and hangs out with the dance team and the cheerleaders. However, at Alabama, football is the King of all sports. I’m thinking this when I notice how cool a couple of the football players look walking into Ramma Jamma’s for lunch.

  “Hot,” Cat whispers to me as she casually points to one of the football players who just strolled in. I smile at her in agreement as I take a bite out of my grilled cheese.

  Seconds later our star QB saunters in, mingling with the crowd, giving fist bumps, and back slaps as he makes his way to the counter to place his order. Ryan has stopped shoving food into his mouth, and we’re all sitting there awestruck as if the president just arrived.

  Cat leans into the table and whispers, “Guys, one of my sorority sisters, Sara, was bragging about hooking up with him last weekend.”

  Lexie arches an eyebrow. I roll my eyes. Cat looks at me then in a mocking tone says, “Sorry Bex. Too much for those virgin ears of yours?”

  I stare at the French fries on my plate.

  Bella spurts, “Watch it.” and points a finger at Cat like she’s about to give a lecture. Cat taps out a loud drumroll on the edge of the table with her fingers. “Anyway,” she says, standing. “time to blow this pop stand. See ya, Ryan, the girls and I gotta get our shopping on.”

  Ten minutes later, we arrive at the store and make our way to the dress department since we’re trying to find something for our first social of the season. Last year we had to wear black because we were freshmen. This year we get to wear any color we want. Cat’s got a social of her own for Tri Delta. I’m not totally sure of the theme, but since she and Lexi know each other from high school, she hangs with us, almost as much as with her own sorority sisters.

  Surrounded by tall racks, Cat and Lexi start pulling things and chatting about how they love the colors. Bella squeals when she finds a dress in teal crepe with quarter-length bell sleeves. We ooh and ahh over it. I pick out a red sleeveless number with a simple lace trim around the bottom.

  We’re searching for a fitting room, when out of the corner of my eye I see the men’s cologne counter. Without any self-control, I shove my dresses onto Cat’s arm.

  “I’ll be back in a minute. I’m going to look at the men’s cologne for just a second.” I call, over my shoulder, already in a sprint.

  At the cologne counter, I grab the first fragrance I see and spray it on a card and sniff. The sales lady comes over to offer assistance and hands me a container with coffee in it.

  “Here…---This will clear your palate. Take a sniff before trying the next one.”

  She gives me another bottle. After smelling the coffee, I spritz another scent. I continue my way down the counter as she continues talking to me about how this is new or that one lasts longer.

  “What are you looking for?” she asks.

  “I’d like to smell everything, if that’s okay.”

  “Of course. Be my guest. Let me know if I can help you with anything.” She walks over to the women’s cologne, leaving me to my own devices.

  I continue my smelling journey down one side and around the other. I’ve pulled aside four fragrances but keep going because there are so many.

  I’m in the middle of smelling one, thinking I may be getting close to the final few when I hear, “Bex! What are you doing?”

  It’s Bella, and it looks like she’s already made her purchase. I stare at her, frozen and feeling sheepish.

  “Bex, we’ve tried on our dresses. Lexi tried on yours, too, and bought both of them. Cat and Lexi went to look at earrings. What are you doing over here? It looks like you spilled a bag of rice, there are so many white spray cards on the counter.”

  “You know how I told you about the guy I sat next to in my creative-writing/ journalism class?”

  Bella nods.

  “I thought maybe I could figure out what type of cologne he was wearing.”

  Bella cracks up and tries to speak between bursts of laughter. “Bex, how many have you tried so far? And what’s that on your face? You have brown flecks all over your chin.”

  I’m starting to feel a little embarrassed and maybe slightly crazy. “I’ve been sniffing coffee beans in between each tester. At some point, I decided to take the lid off, and I’ve been shaking it before each sniff. I guess maybe some of the residue got on my face.”

  Bella rolls her eyes at me. “Of all the crazy things, this has to top them. Well, did you find it?”

  I point to the bottles I’ve set aside. “I’ve narrowed it down to these four, and I think I’ve tried almost everything.”

  Bella looks slightly annoyed. “We should probably get going,” she says.

  “Wait. I have an idea. I want you to spray a card with one of these.” I slide the bottles closer to her. “I’ll try and choose with my eyes closed.”

  I quickly smell the final three fragrances just in case those need to be added to my collection. I open the coffee container’s lid and take a deep sniff, careful not to get any more stuff on my face.

  “Okay, I’m ready. I’ll keep my eyes closed. Don’t say anything. Just spray the card and hand it to me.”

  Bella tells me to turn around. “Close your eyes, and hold out one hand,” she says while spraying something. She sticks a card in my hand. After trying all four, I seem to keep coming back to the same one.

  The sales associate walks over and asks, “Have you ladies found what you’re looking for?”

  “Yes, I think I’d like a few samples of this one,” I say, handing her the card, forgetting I don’t know which one it is yet.

  “She means this,” Bella says, handing her the bottle.

  With a patronizing smile, she hands me a bag with three samples inside. We thank her and turn around to see Lexi and Cat walking toward us.

  “Hey, guys.” Lexi says, as she walks up with her shopping bags. “I bought two dresses since you never tried yours on. You can borrow one, of course.”

  “Great. Thanks, Lexi.”

  Cat butts in, “What were you guys doing?”

  “Bex has smelled every men’s cologne in the store trying to find the one that some guy she sits next to wears,” Bella complains, with irritation in her voice.

  “Is it someone I know?” Cat questions.

  “I don’t think he's a baseball player, but he looks like a model, dresses really nice and smells even better.”

  Lexi perks up. “Do tell. Can’t wait to check this guy out.”